目前Linux上绝大多数程序都使用GNU Gettext程序库来实现多国语言界面,Gettext用于系统的国际化(I18N)和本地化(L10N),它可以在编译程序时使用本国语言支持(Native Language Support(NLS),也可以使程序的输出使用用户设置的语言不是英文。文章以红旗Linux Dektop5.0为操作系统平台,讲解藏文Linux桌面系统的实现方案,讨论了生成Linux藏文本地化信息数据库及多语言支持的方法。
At present,most programs on Linux use GNU Gettext library of subroutines to realize the multi-lingual surface.Gettext is used in the system for internationalization(I18N) and the localization(L10N).Itcan use our national language to support(Native Language Support(NLS) in compiling,and also can use the language preset by the users other than English to produce the output.This paper takes Red Flag Linux Dektop5.0 as the operating system platform,introduces the realization project of Tibetan Linux tabletop system,and discusses the following two questions in detail:the methods adopted to produce the localization information database of Tibetan Linux and multi-language support.