根据OH- 对Er3+ 荧光寿命的影响 ,研究了掺铒磷酸盐玻璃中碱金属离子类型和含量对OH- 含量的影响 .结果表明 ,采用通干燥O2 和CCl4 除水的工艺可有效降低玻璃中OH- 的含量 .除水效果在通气的最初阶段最为明显 ,OH- 含量的降低速率随通气时间的延长而减慢 ,最终趋于动态平衡 .比较含不同碱金属离子 (Li+ 、Na+ 和K+ )的掺铒磷酸盐玻璃的Er3+ 荧光寿命 ,发现其随碱金属离子半径的增大、玻璃中氧离子体积的上升而缩短 ;而碱金属离子含量的增加会降低Er3+ 的荧光寿命 ,并且熔体重新吸水的能力变大 .
According to the influence of OH - on the fluorescence lifetime of Er 3+ in glasses, the relations between the type/content of alkali metal ions and the content of OH - groups in erbium doped phosphate glasses were studied. The results show that, by bubbling dry O 2 and CCl 4 into the glass melt, the amount of OH - groups can be effectively reduced. At the initial stage, OH - groups were removed rather rapidly, then the process slowed down, and finally OH - groups were removed and absorbed, and reached an equilibrium. The fluorescence lifetimes of all samples with different alkali metal ions(Li +, Na + and K +) were compared, which shows the decrease of Er 3+ fluorescence lifetime with the increase of alkali metal ion diameter and O 2- volume in the glasses. It is also shown that increasing the amount of alkali metal ions would reduce the lifetime of Er 3+ , which means more OH - groups would remain in the glasses.
Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
广东省自然科学基金重点资助项目 (0 1 30 1 3)
广东省科技计划项目 (2 0 0 2B1 1 6 0 4 )