
信息技术与中小学教学整合 被引量:22

IT Integration into K-12 Teaching and Learning
摘要 从学校教学的层面看,信息技术与中小学教学的整合应是一个以符合教学和学习需求的方式,高效益地应用信息技术,不断优化教学和学习过程,促进学生全面发展的过程。中小学教师应在系统教学设计的基础上,有效、高效、普遍地应用信息技术,落实信息技术整合在教学、学习和学生发展等方面的实效;并通过"专业引领下的校本实践",持续发展自身的信息技术整合素养,并以此推进校本层面的信息技术整合工作。 At the school level, integration of IT into Teaching and Learning should be a process, during which, teachers should apply IT cost-effectively in the ways that are appropriate to the domain content's features and students' learning requirement, to better teaching and learning process, and thereby to help students' development. Teachers should apply IT effectively, cost-efficiently, and regularly, based on systematically instructional design, to maximize the real effects of IT in teaching, learning, and students' development. And teachers' competence to integrate IT into teaching will be improved if they keep school-based practices and researches under professional guide. And the model 'school-based practices and researches under professional guide' is introduced.
作者 苗逢春
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期87-96,共10页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育科学"十五"规划国家重点课题分课题 批准号:AHA010019-38。
关键词 信息技术 中学 小学 实效性 学校教学 教学设计 integration of IT into teaching and learning the real effects of IT Teachers' competence to integrate IT into teaching professionally-guided school-based practice model
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