目的 评价CT对单发小型脑脓肿的诊断价值和临床意义。 方法 回顾性分析60例经临床和手术病理证实的单发小型脑脓肿的CT表现,男44例,女16例,年龄3~47岁,平均17.2岁,全部病例均作了CT平扫和增强。 结果 病灶位于顶叶48例,额叶5例,额顶叶4例,颞叶2例,枕叶1例。平扫显示一侧半球灰白质交界区局限性片状低密度影,轻度占位效应,增强无强化或单纯脑回状强化4例,环状强化30例,结节状强化26例。 结论 CT不仅对单发小型脑脓肿的诊断和鉴别诊断有重要价值,而且有利于指导临床治疗。
Purpose To evaluate CT scan in the diagnosis and clinical significance of single and small brain abscess. Methods CT feature in 60 patients with pathologically or clinically proved were retrospectively analyzed, There were44 cases of male and 10 case female with age ranging from 3~47 years(mean age 17.2 years). All cases were performed both plain and enhance scan. Results The lesion were located in parietal lobe (n=48), frontal lobe(n=5), parietal frontal lobe (n=4), temporal lobe (n=2), occipital lobe (n = 1). On plain CT scan the lesions showed a limited piece of low density between one cerebralgray matter and white matter ,which presented with slight intracranial mass effects, on enhanced scan, no orspot enhancement (n=4),circular enhancement (n=30),nodular enhancement(n=26). Conclusion CT is of great value in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis, which is very important for clinical management.
Shanghai Medical Imaging