学习型社会的基本内涵包括营造浓厚的学习氛围、健全推动学习的体制和机制、高度重视人力资源能力建设等内容 ,构建学习型社会体系 ,要作为一项系统工程 ,从建设学习型城市、学习型社区、学习型企业、构筑全员学习体系等方面 ,进行精心组织和培育 ,最终目的是不断提高全民的科学文化素质和创新能力 。
Connotation of learning society contains creating study at mosphere,forming the perfect system and mechanism for assuring and promoting stu dy and paying much attention to the construction of labor resource society of th e public studying and life-long learning,and organize carefully and cultivate f rom aspects of building learning cities,learning communities,study-style enterp rises and build the system of public studying etc.The ultimate goal is to improv e continually all people's diathesis on science and culture and innovative abili ty and promoting human development in all aspects.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education