应用半双列杂交的设计分析了采用直接辐射诱变育成的水稻长穗颈不育系的 1 9个农艺性状的配合力。分析表明 ,含有eui1基因的长穗颈不育系Ⅱ 32eA1的株高、穗颈伸出度、剑叶、倒 2叶、穗长、倒 1节、着粒密度及生育期等 8个性状的一般配合力效应值表现不同于Ⅱ 32A ;而含eui2基因的协青早eA2只有株高、倒 1节、生育期的一般配合力效应值同协青早A差异显著。两个长穗颈不育系的株高、穗颈伸出度、剑叶长、倒 2叶、倒 3叶、穗长、倒 1节、倒 2节、倒 4节、倒 5节、千粒重和结实率等性状的一般配合力效应值都大于原不育系。其余性状一般配合力效应值的变化依两个长穗颈不育系有所不同。结果表明 ,采用核辐射诱变的育种技术路线选育水稻长穗颈不育系是可行有效的。
A set of incomplete diallel crosses was created to study the combining ability of 19 agronomic characters of eA lines,which were induced by irradiation. In comparison with original lines, the general combining ability for plant height, panicle exsertion, flag leave, second leave from top, panicle length, first internode from top, seed density and growth duration of Ⅱ-32eA1 was different from Ⅱ-32A, and only plant height, first internode from top, growth duration of Xieqingzao eA2 was different from those of XieqingzaoA. The combining ability effects in plant height, panicle exsertion, flag leave, second leave from top, third leave from top, panicle length, first internode from top, second internode from top, fourth internode from top, fifth internode from top, 1000-grain weight and seed setting rate of two eA lines were stronger than those of A lines. The different of combining ability effects for other traits were various according to different eA lines. The results indicated the way of development eA lines by irradiation was efficient.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 3 0 0 70 470 )