悬浮烘干机是一种用于烘干粉状及小颗粒物料的新型烘干设备。在进行该烘干系统的设计时.过去由于没有计算公式而只能靠经验估计流体阻力.因此往往带来了很大的不便.在本文中.作者提出了一个悬浮烘干机阻力系数的计算公式ξ=(1-28ab/DH)^2+2.266 经实验验证,该公式可以用来指导实际设计和生产.
A suspension dryer is a new type of drying installation used for drying particle and powderedmaterials. When designing the drying system. we must consider flow resistance of the dryer. In thepast, we had to estimate the flow resistance empirically, because there was not a theoretical flow re-sistance formula. This made the design of the drying system inconvenience. On the basis of theoreti-cal analysis, the author, in this paper, proposes a formula for calculating flow resistance coefficient ξ=(1-28 ab/DH)~2+2.266 Experiment shows that the flow resistance coefficient formula can be used to guide actual de-sign and production.