Influence of component materials, namely fly-ash, expansive agent etal on hydration and mi-crostructure of self-levelling material (SL) has been studied by exotherimic curve of hydration(ECH)、XRD、DTA、SEM and MIP. The results show: (1) Each component has an influence on the hydration of SL, for one component the influencemaybe different at different environmental conditions; (2) The hydration of SL can be described as follows: first, portland cement hydration forms C—S—H and Ca(OH)_2, then UEA forms ettrigite by adsorping Ca(OH)_2 and gypsum, at the sametime accelerate the hydration of unhydrated cement. The two reactions go on in this way, thestrengh and expansive property of SL develop coordinationally, and the hardened SL has good bothstrengh and expansive property. Fly—ash is inert at early hydration period, and at late hydration peri-od, with envirenmental alkalinity increasing, it partial forms C—S—H by possalantic reaction andhas positive effect on the strengh; (3) Fly—ash or expansive agent's addition to SL slurry has good effect in improving it's pore-structure and deoreasing it's most probable pore diameter; when double addition to the slurry in suit-able proportion going on, the effect is optinum, and makes the most probable pore diameter mini-mum.