本文利用SSR标记分析了 14份代表云南不同生态地区的爆裂玉米种质的遗传多样性。从 96对SSR引物中筛选出分布于玉米基因组 10条染色体上的 43对引物 ,每对引物可以稳定地检测到 1~ 13个多态性片段 ,共 2 3 2个 ,平均为5 40个 ,片段大小介于 65~ 490bp之间。检测出 1个等位基因 (allele)的引物有 3对 ,占所筛选引物的 7 0 % ;检测出 12个和 13个等位基因的引物也有 3对 ,占所筛选引物的 7 0 % ;其余 3 7对引物检测出的等位基因一般在 2~ 9个 ,占所筛选引物的 86 0 %。结果表明云南爆裂玉米地方种质具有较高的遗传多样性。通过聚类分析将云南爆裂玉米分为 3个类群 ,4个亚群 ,聚类结果与云南不同海拔地势的变化走向基本相符。
popcorn landraces in Yunnan were analyzed by SSR marker for genetic diversity. 43 pairs of primer allocated on 10 chromosomes of corn genome were screened out of 96 pairs of primer. There was 1-13 alleles detected by each pair of primer. 232 alleles from 65 to 490bp were detected in total, with 5.40 alleles per a pair of primer on average. 3 pairs of primer accounted for 7.0% of the primers could detect 1 allele, Other 3 pairs of primer accounted for 7.0% of the primers could detect 12 and 13 alleles respectively. The rest of 37 pairs of primer accounted for 86.0% of the primers could usually detect 2-9 alleles. The results suggested that higher genetic polymorphism maintained in local popcorn landraces of Yunnan. The cluster analysis showed that those popcorn landraces could be divided into 3 groups and 4 subgroups, which was generally in accordance with the tendency of topography in Yunnan.