五千年中华文明孕育了大量的国俗名物词语。在中华文化的对外传播过程中 ,国俗名物词语扮演着重要角色 ,然而 ,时至今日其大部分英译名称尚处于不规范、不稳定的状态。本文在研究国俗名物词语的常见译法和译例的基础上 ,重点探讨了音译的可行性和优越性 ,揭示了音译、音义兼译在国俗名物词语的英译中遭受冷遇的原因 ,提出对已约定俗成的中国国俗名物词语的英译名称应予以尊重和保留 。
Five thousand_year_old Chinese civilization gives birth to a large number of Chinese_flavored words on material culture,which play an important role in the introduction of Chinese culture to the world.However,until now most of the English terms of these words are not standard and in an unstable state.With the enumeration of the generally adopted translation methods of these words and the examples,this article focuses on the exploration of the feasibility and advantages of transliteration,revealing the reasons why transliteration and the translation method of combining transliteration and literal translation are neglected.It puts forward the idea that while the accepted English terms of these words should be kept and respected,the other Chinese_flavored words on material culture should be transliterated in general.
Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal