
Influence of reaction stresses induced by dislocation slips onthe orientation evolution in bcc metals 被引量:2

摘要 A plastic deformation model for bcc metals is proposed in consideration of reaction stresses. The shear strains and the corresponding reaction stresses induced by the activation of dislocations are calculated in the model, which will influence the following dislocation activation. The rolling texture in bcc metals is simulated up to 80% reduc-tion, while the ratio of critical resolved shear stresses be-tween the dislocations slipping on the {110} and {112} planes is chosen as 0.95. The corresponding calculation is also con-ducted with the activation of second dislocation, if the dif-ference between the orientation factor of the two dislocations with maximal orientation factors is lower than 5%. It is shown that the simulated texture is closer to that of the 80% rolled interstitial free steels than other modeling. It is be-lieved that the new model can give more attention to both of the strain and stress continuities during the plastic deforma-tion of polycrystalline metals, and therefore approaches closer to the real deformation process in bcc metals. A plastic deformation model for bcc metals is proposed in consideration of reaction stresses. The shear strains and the corresponding reaction stresses induced by the activation of dislocations are calculated in the model, which will influence the following dislocation activation. The rolling texture in bcc metals is simulated up to 80% reduc-tion, while the ratio of critical resolved shear stresses be-tween the dislocations slipping on the {110} and {112} planes is chosen as 0.95. The corresponding calculation is also con-ducted with the activation of second dislocation, if the dif-ference between the orientation factor of the two dislocations with maximal orientation factors is lower than 5%. It is shown that the simulated texture is closer to that of the 80% rolled interstitial free steels than other modeling. It is be-lieved that the new model can give more attention to both of the strain and stress continuities during the plastic deforma-tion of polycrystalline metals, and therefore approaches closer to the real deformation process in bcc metals.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE CAS 2003年第2期204-207,共4页
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.50171014).
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