
前瞻性记忆的生理基础 被引量:12

Cerebric Mechanism Of Prospective Memory
摘要 前瞻性记忆逐渐成为记忆研究中的一个热点问题。它指的是对将来做某件事情的记忆。来自于认知神经心理学和临床神经心理学的证据都表明前瞻性记忆的生理基础和前额叶以及丘脑的功能有关。一致认为布洛德曼8区(主要是左半球)和前瞻性成分有关,而丘脑更多的是和前瞻性记忆的执行有关。. Prospective memory refers to the memory required to carry out planed actions at the appropriate time. It has become one of the focuses in memory study. This article reviews the cerebral mechanism of prospective memory from two aspects: clinic neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. The results show that the Brodmanns(BAs)8 region was related to the prospective component of the prospective memory, the work of the thalamencephalon was to perform the intention.
作者 王青 杨玉芳
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期127-131,共5页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 前瞻性记忆 前额叶 丘脑 生理基础 认知神经科学 电生理学 临床神经心理学 prospective memory, frontal lobe, thalamencephalon.
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