在常规课堂上对来自北京市两所小学 1 48位 1 0 -1 2岁的小学生进行真实性问题的测验 ,研究结果表明 :1 )被试中对真实数学问题作出真实性解答的人数比例约为四分之一 ,高于国外同类研究中比例。 2 )作出常规解答的人数比例约为一半 ,显著高于作出真实解答的人数比例。 3 )六年级被试作出真实解答的人数比例普遍高于四年级 ,但是在某些问题上 ,六年级被试中作出常规解答的人数比例反而高于四年级。 4)被试对不同真实问题的反应存在一定的差异 ,这可能与真实问题的特点有关。
A test consisting of 12 mathematic word problems which were problematic from a realistic point of view was administered to 148 students from the fourth and the sixth grade. The results show that 1) only one fourth students solved problems from realistic point of view, an half of students show a strong tendency to exclude real world knowledge from their solutions; 2) the sixth grade's realistic consideration on these problems is better than the fourth grade's, however, the standard solution on some problems in sixth grade was more than in fourth grade; 3) students' reaction to different kinds of problems is different.
Psychological Development and Education
全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题 (EBB0 1 0 85 6)