透过“自传叙述”的微观分析 ,并结合“微叙事”和“个体记忆”等方法 ,利用个人研究的经历 ,佐证了香港史学多元化取向的形成过程 ;同时展示出香港史学界在本土化和国际化问题上所面临的挑战 ,主要不在史学的学理问题方面 ,而在学术评估的规范化和资源调配背后所牵涉的学科霸权和行政主导的权力竞争上。人文和社会科学众学科与文化根源关系密切 ,能否在文化价值上平衡本土化和国际化的复杂关系 ,香港史学过去五十年的经验是很值得参考的。
Combining “autobiographical studies” popular abroad in recent years with methods of “micro-narratives” and “individual memory” and making use of his own experience in historiography the author makes a deep and microscopic exposition of the emergence of pluralistic orientation in Hong Kong. In addition, a micro-analysis of “autobiographical narratives” displays the challenges the historians in Hong Kong face on the question of localization and internationalization. These challenges were not posed to the theories of historiography, but took the form of disciplinary hegemony and administrative power struggle behind the standardization of academic appraisals and resources allocation. Hong Kong's experience in historiography during the past fifty years is of great reference value in the quest for a balanced relationship between localization and internationalization.
Historical Research