The influence of Cu dopant (x) and sintering temperature (T s) on the transport properties of La 2/3Ca 1/3Mn 1-xCu xO 3 series samples prepared by Sol-Gel technique was investigated.X-ray diffraction patterns show that all the samples with different Cu dopant and sintering temperatures (T s) are of single phase without obvious lattice distortion.Experimental results indicate that the insulator-metal transition temperature is directly related to the sintering temperature and Cu dopant x.It is interesting to observe that a proper amount of Cu dopant can substantially improve magnetoresistance effects.
The influence of Cu dopant (x) and sintering temperature (T s) on the transport properties of La 2/3Ca 1/3Mn 1-xCu xO 3 series samples prepared by Sol-Gel technique was investigated.X-ray diffraction patterns show that all the samples with different Cu dopant and sintering temperatures (T s) are of single phase without obvious lattice distortion.Experimental results indicate that the insulator-metal transition temperature is directly related to the sintering temperature and Cu dopant x.It is interesting to observe that a proper amount of Cu dopant can substantially improve magnetoresistance effects.
NationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .10 1740 2 2 )