居室葬俗延续的时间非常久远 ,从旧石器时代晚期开始出现 ,直至近现代的某些少数民族中仍旧流行。兴隆洼遗址和查海遗址均发现有居室墓葬 ,这说明居室葬并非某一遗址的独特现象 ,而是兴隆洼文化的重要内涵之一。居室墓在室内的位置比较固定 ,通常一座房址内仅埋有一座居室墓葬。兴隆洼遗址共发现居室墓葬 30余座 ,查海遗址仅发现有 6座。居室葬代表了一种极为特殊的埋葬制度 ,具有浓重的宗教祭祀意义。少数人物因生前具有特殊的社会地位或死因特殊 ,死后被埋在室内 ,成为生者崇拜、祭祀的对象。兴隆洼文化的居室葬俗对辽西地区后来的赵宝沟文化、红山文化。
Residential burials had been practiced for a long period of time ,dating from the late Paleolithic to modern history in some ethnic minority groups.Both Xinglongwa and Chahai have yielded such burials,suggesting that residential burials were not isolated occurrences,but a significant characteristic of the Xinglongwa culture.Residential burials were situated in regular locations inside houses,and only one burial occurred in each house.A total of some 30 residential burials have been found at Xinglongwa,and 6 at Chahai.The residential burials represented a special mortuary practice with religious significance.A few people who had special social position in live or died with special causations may have been buried inside houses and became subjects of ritual worship.The Xinglongwa mortuary practice had influence of various degrees in the later archaeological cultures such as Zhaobaogou,Hongshan,and Lower Xiajiadian.
Huaxia Archaeology