The pulsed emission spectrum has been investigated for Geminga Pulsar in COS-B data of Obs. 14 ,39,54 and 64 over the energy range 70-5000 MeV, A very flat spectrum with an index of 1. 3 ± 0. 1 has been obtained by a power law fit. It is harder than the spectrum of the total e-mission with an index of 1. 9±0. 1 which is derived from the flux reported by COS-B group and much harder than the unpulsed component which has the index of 2. 6±0. 3. It is interest ing that Geminga pulsar and Grab pulsar have the same power law index of their unpulsed component. The ratios of Geminga pulsed flux related to it's total emission are 0. 28±0. 08, 0. 41 ±0. 09, 0. 88±0. 10 in three energy range of 70-150 MeV, 150 - 300 MeV, 300-5000 MeV, respectively, and 0. 49±0. 06 in total 70-5000 MeV. It implicates a very different e-mission property from the Vela pulsar. Einstein IPC data observed on March 17, 1981 has also been analysed and a pulse profile structure similar with that from ROSAT has been obtained by folding at a predicted period 237. 09398(10) ms.