目的 观察纳洛酮、血栓通、高压氧联合治疗急性脑梗塞的疗效。方法 60例急性脑梗塞随机分为 2组 ,治疗组 30例用纳洛酮、血栓通、高压氧联合治疗 ;对照组 30例低分子右旋糖酐与复方丹参治疗 ,治疗前后对神经功能缺损进行评分及意识障碍转醒时间进行观察。结果 显效率治疗组 83.3% ,对照组为43.3% ,治疗组明显优于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,治疗组意识障碍转醒时间明显优于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。
Objective To observe the effects of Naloxone and Injection Xueshuantong co mbination with Hyperbaric Oxygen on acute cerebral infarcfion Methods 60 cases with acute cerebral infarction werer andomly divided into two groups.30 cases were given Nakixmle and lnjection Xueshumltong combination wit h Hyperbaric Oxygen while the others were given lnjection Fu Fang Danshen and Low molecular dextran.The pati ents’neurological function defect scale(NFD) were graded and the time for wake up from disturbance consciousness were evaluated before and after treatment Results Etlbctive rate was 83.3% in test group and 43 3% in contr ol group.There were sipificantly different between two groups(P<0 01).The time for wake up from disttubance consciousness in test group was less than that of in control group(P<0 01) Conclusions It is effect that medicines combination with Hyperbaric Oxygen on acute cerebral infarction
Anthology of Medicine