目的 :评估检测组织标本癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸 (CEA- m RNA)指标在诊断胃癌方面的应用价值。方法 :以胃癌组织和良性胃病组织为检测标本 ,应用反转录套式聚合酶链反应技术 (RT- NP- PCR)检测 CEA- m RNA。结果 :CEA- m RNA的检出率在 32份胃癌标本为 81 .2 % (2 6 /32 )、在 32份良性胃病标本为 1 2 .5 % (4 /32 ) ,两者检测结果的差别具有显著性 (P<0 .0 0 1 )。结论 :检测组织标本 CEA- m
Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of carcinoembryonic antigen mRNA(CEA mRNA) detecting in gastric cancer tissue specimens. Methods:There were 32 patients with gastric cancer and 32 patients with benign gastric diseases in the study. CEA-mRNA in the gastric tissue specimens was detected by reverse transcriptase nested primers-polymerase chain reaction (RT NP PCR). Result:The positive results of CEA mRNA were26 (81.2%)in32gastric cancer tissues. There were4 (12.5%) positive results of CEA mRNA in 32 benign gastric disease tissues too. CEA mRNA positive results were different significantly between the gastric cancer tissues and the benign gastric disease tissues(P<0.01). The specificity was 87.5% and the sensitivity was 81.2% on CEA mRNA detecting to diagnose gastric cancer. Conclusion:CEA mRNA is a useful index for laboratory diagnosis of gastric cancer.
Journal of Chengde Medical University