
对谱弯折DCT音频水印算法的再研究 被引量:1

The Continuing Research about Spectrum-Warping DCT Audio Wa termarking Algorithm
摘要 近几年,音频数字水印技术越来越引起了人们的极大兴趣,各种新方法和技术不断提出,如何将这些方法和技术应用于实际音频作品的版权保护中,并非易事。文章在借助Choi等犤1犦的谱弯折音频水印算法解决版权保护的实际问题时,经大量的实验验证和理论分析,认为谱弯折方法对信号处理类(包括MP3压缩、重采样等)的攻击相当脆弱,不具备鲁棒性。 In the last few years,audio digital watermarking is given rise to more and more interesting.New methods and technologies are proposed continually.How really these new methods are used to audio digital production copyright pro-tection is net easy.When spectrum-warping audio watermarking algorithm based on Choi's 1 is used to practical applica-tion of copyright protection,according to the results of a large set of experiments,the conclusion is that the spectrum-warping audio watermarking algorithm is very fragile against some attacks of digital signal processing,such as MP3com-pression resampling and so on.So,Choi's algorithm is not robust.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第36期37-40,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家教育部重点研究项目支持
关键词 DCT 音频水印算法 音频压缩 音频信号处理 版权保护 音频作品 Digital watermarking,Audio watermarking,Spectrum-warping,Robustness
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