目的 了解口腔黏膜良性增生、异常增生、鳞形细胞癌D17S6 95 (17p13.3)位点杂合性丢失 (lossofheterozygosity ,LOH)情况 ,为新的肿瘤抑制基因定位提供依据。方法 应用聚合酶链反应 (PCR) -聚丙烯酰胺尿素凝胶电泳 (PAUGE) -DNA银染方法 ,以D17S6 95位点微卫星多态标记为遗传标记 ,检测 2 9例口腔癌前病变及鳞癌组织的LOH。结果 19例提供信息的病例中 ,1例良性增生、2例异常增生、1例鳞癌出现LOH。结论 17p13.3区D17S6 95位点可能是口腔鳞癌发生的早期事件 。
Objective To detect the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 17p13.3 in oral lesions, including benign squaomous hyperplasia(BSH), dysplasia(DYS), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in order to provide evidence for new tumor suppressor gene. Methods A microsatellite DNA(D17S695) within 17p13.3 was used as polymorphic marker. A study of loss of heterozygosity at the locus of D17S695 for 29 oral precancer or cancer specimens was conducted by using PCR-PAUGE-DNA silver staining(polymerase chain reaction-polyacrylamide urea gel electrophoresis) method. Results Among the 19 informative cases, one was BSH cas, two were DYS cases and one SCC case showed LOH. Conclusion 17p13.3 LOH might herald an early event in oral cancer genesis. In this region, there probably existed a suppressor gene which was related to the genesis and progression of oral cancer.