
可压缩流计算的九分笛卡尔网格技术 被引量:1

Nonet-Cartesian Grid Method
摘要  简要介绍了一种新的二维网格技术———九分笛卡尔网格技术.与传统方法将一个网格等分为4个不一样,该方法将一个网格单元等分为9个.同时考虑各向同性和各向异性加密,能够对激波和壁面附近进行快速加密,并且有效节省了网格点数目.用此方法计算了单个翼型、多个翼型及直管道下壁面带凸包的无粘带激波的流动. An automatic Nonet\|Cartesian grid method is presented together with Euler solutions of flows around complicated geometries. Grids are generated automatically by the recursive subdivision of a single cell into nine subcells for isotropic Nonet\|Cartesian grids and into three subcells independently in each direction for anisotropic Nonet\|Cartesian grids, encompassing the entire flow domain. The grid generation method is applied here to steady inviscid shocked flow computation. Results using this approach demonstrate that this method provides a simple and accurate procedure for solving flow problems with shock waves.
作者 栗可 吴子牛
出处 《计算物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期498-502,共5页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
关键词 可压缩流 九分笛卡尔网格 各向异性 无粘流动 激波 Godunov方法 凸包流动 nonet-Cartesian grid anisotropic inviscid flow shock wave
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