目的:研究无牙颌固有条件对总义齿固位力的影响。方法:本研究对31名无牙颌患者进行口腔混合唾液量及黏度测定,黏膜厚度测量,承托面积、牙槽嵴高度及总义齿固位力测定,并对影响下颌总义齿固位力的相关因素作多元逐步回归分析。结果:上颌总义齿的固位力约为下颌的5.7倍以上。在多元逐步回归分析中,自变量黏膜厚度被收入回归方程, 在未收入回归方程的自变量中,唾液黏度与固位力相关性最大。结论:上颌总义齿固位力远大于下颌总义齿。黏膜厚度、唾液黏度是影响下颌总义齿固位力的主要因素。
Objective: To investigate the effect of oral anatomic conditions on retention of complete denture. Methods:Thirty-one edentulous patients were included in this study. Quantitative measurement of oral anatomic conditions wasperformed. Relation of the condition to the retention of complete denture was analysed by the multiple regression analysis.Results : The retention of maxillary was at least 5.7 times more than that of mandibular denture. Mucosal thickness,which was one of the variables and was closed into the regression equation, was the dominated impact factor. Among theother variables which were not closed into regression equation, saliva sticky degree had greatest correlation with theretention. Conclusions: Retention of maxillary denture was greater than that of mandibular denture.The main factors toinfluence the retention of mandibular complete denture included mucosal thickness and saliva sticky degree.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics