目的 应用经皮射频热凝技术治疗小关节源性颈肩痛。方法 对 82例诊断明确的小关节源性颈肩痛患者 ,采用经皮射频热凝技术进行治疗 ,按Barnsley评定标准对疗效进行分析。结果 82例患者中 ,优 4 6例 ,良 2 8例 ,可 8例。优良率 90 .2 4 %。
Objective To treat the patients suffering neck and shoulder pain due to cervical zygapophyzeal joints using percutaneous radiofrequency technique.Methods Eighty two patients whose diagnosis were neck and shoulder pain due to cervical zygapophyzeal joints were treated by the percutaneous radiofrequency technique.The therapeutic effects were analyzed by the criteria of Barnsley.Results Of 82 patients,there were 46 cases with excellent results,28 cases with good results and 8 cases with fair results.The rate of excellent and good results was 90.24%.Conclusion Percutaneous radiofrequency technique is an exact and effective method to treat the patients suffering neck and shoulder pain due to cervical zygapophyzeal joints.
Journal of Harbin Medical University