目的 :探讨四角圈簧根帽附着体义齿的制作方法和临床应用。方法 :临床上选择 30名患者 ,牙周基本健康的残冠、残根或健康牙齿 ,经过完善的根管治疗 ,铸造制备根帽 ,粘固在相应牙根上 ;义齿基托相应位置制作四角圈簧 ,使两者精确吻合 ,共同构成具有固位作用的附着体。结果 :义齿美观、舒适 ,较传统具有更好的固位和稳定性。结论 :四角圈簧根帽附着体制作简单 ,成本低廉 ,基本能达到精密附着体的临床应用效果 。
Objective: To observe the effectiveness of foursquare coil cable root cap attachment system in removable partial dentures. Methods: Thirty patients of defective teeth made of foursquare coil cable root cap attachments system .The case were followed up for 3-42 months. Results : All removable partial dentures retaimed werh foursquare coil cable root cap attachment system had good retention , stabilization, fuction and esthetic out -come. All the patients were greatly satisfied. Conclusion: The foursquare coil cable root cap attachment system is very simple and standard ,It's price is not high, So it has wide chinic applied value.
Hebei Medicine