
Trap Ease腔静脉滤器的临床应用 被引量:1

Clinical application of Trap Ease vena cava filters
摘要 目的评价Trap Ease腔静脉滤器对肺动脉栓塞的预防效果及使用中的并发症。方法对37例有发生肺栓塞倾向的患者行Trap Ease腔静脉滤器置入术。这些患者均患有下肢或上肢深静脉血栓,其中7例经血管造影证实已有不同程度的肺栓塞。术后随访3~36个月,平均15个月。检查方法包括腹部平片、CT、超声,了解有无肺栓塞发生及滤器移位等并发症。结果37例滤器均置入预定位置,成功率100%。其中放置在肾静脉以下腔静脉段23例,肾静脉以上腔静脉段12例,上腔静脉2例。除1例发生肺栓塞死亡外,均无肺栓塞发生。术后影像学观察滤器无移位、断裂,腔静脉未见损伤和血栓形成。结论Trap Ease腔静脉滤器是对有肺栓塞倾向的上下肢深静脉血栓患者预防肺栓塞发生的有效工具,并且安全可靠。 Objective To evaluate the prevention effeat of the Trap Ease vena cava filters from pulmonary embolism and the complications. Methods 37 patients with the tendency of pulmonary embolism were treated with implantation of Trap Ease vena cava filters. The superior limp or inferior limp deep vein thrombosis occurred in the patients and pulmonary embolization was found in seven by angi-ography. Following up 3 months to 36 months the patients were examined by abdominal plain films, CT or US. Results 37 filters were placed in right position and the technical successful rate was 100%. Of all patients, 23 cases were placed in vena cava under renal vein, 12 cases above renal vein and 2 cases in superior vena cava. No pulmonary embolization occurred except one patient died of pulmonary embolization. Conclusion For patients having the deep vein thrombosis in superior or inferior limp with the tendency of pulmonary embolism, the implantation of Trap Ease filter is an effective and safe means to prevent pulmonary embolization.
出处 《贵州医药》 CAS 2004年第1期27-29,共3页 Guizhou Medical Journal
关键词 腔静脉滤器 肺栓塞 放射学 介入性 并发症 Vena cava filter Pulmonary embolism Radiology Interventional
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