Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Endocrinology)
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5张攀科,徐雪峰,杨科朋,吕金秀,张国胜,申平.正清风痛宁注射液离子导入治疗类风湿性关节炎[J].中国当代医药,2012,19(2):106-107. 被引量:8
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10李利,杨仕明,赵立东,徐金操,郭维维,李丽贤,孙建和,刘会占,邢光前.经鼓阶胚胎干细胞内耳导入的初步观察[J].中华耳科学杂志,2009,7(4):362-366. 被引量:8