第 2 9届奥林匹克运动会会徽———“中国印·舞动的北京”以其强烈鲜明的中国文化符号形象 ,在奥运史和标志设计史上应该占有一席之地 ;但是 ,“中国印”在表意、选材上仍有值得商榷之处 ,其形态设计上也存在某些细小的瑕疵 ,探讨“中国印”在设计上的成功与遗憾 。
The emblem of the XXIX Olympc Games-'Chinese Seal · Dancing Beijing',as a brilliant image of Chinese culture,will be enshrined in the history of Olympic Games and logo design as well.It is still arguable,however,on the ideography and the selection of design materials of 'Chinese Seal'.Additionally,certain demerits exist in its form.A thorough research on the achievmerits and demerits of 'Chinese seal',therefore,is worth conducting and will in turn inspire better logo designs of giant assemblies,such as Olympic games,World EXPO,in the future.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition