伪满时期 ,日伪在东北地区实施“蒙地奉上” ,即收回原有属清外藩蒙古的蒙地所有权 ;蒙地地租变成了地税。“蒙地奉上”后 ,获得巨大经济利益的伪满政权 ,为了表示安抚 ,不仅对旧蒙古王公给予种种优待 ,同时还设置蒙民厚生会和蒙民裕生会 。
During the period of the puppet Manchukuo, the Japanese imperialism and the illegitimate government carried out the policy of ”Mongol land presentation” in northeast China. The policy aimed at the deprivation of the ownership of the land that used to belong to the princes of the northeast Mongol. After acquiring huge economic benefit from the policy, the illegitimate government adopted the policy of appeasement and granted various kinds of preferential treatment to the Mongol princes. At the same time, some consideration was given to the interests of the common Mongol people. For one thing, two organizations, the Houshenghui and Yushenghui, were established for the purpose.
Ethno-National Studies