从出版史的角度看 ,“乌台诗案”是以印本书的盛行为文化背景的 ;《钱塘集》的雕印刊行是北宋中期民间出版空前活跃的表现 ,也反映了印刷出版业初步繁荣阶段管理上的失控 ;遭受诗祸的苏轼、苏辙深刻反思了他们的著述与出版活动 ,这是苏辙生前未刊行其集子的重要原因。元年间 ,“痛定思痛”的苏轼、苏辙在外事活动中均遇到了宋朝书籍外流的问题 ,这一现象激发他们对政府的出版管理政策进行认真的思考 。
Seeing from the angle of publication history,Wutai poem accident's emerging was on the background of printed book’s prevailing.In the middle of Northern Song Dynasty, publication activations were very active.But the government’s management was out of control.During the period of Yuanyou,facing the lose of Song’s books, Su’s brothers reviewed their writing and publications activity deeply.They put forward some suggestions to the government on the management policy.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)