构建多民族的社会主义民族国家是列宁的建国思想 ;在建立各个民族国家的基础上实现苏维埃国际联盟是苏联建国的初始设计。斯大林模式主导的苏联中央集权体制不仅形成了各个民族无“国家”和联盟无“民族”的民族国家二元冲突结构 ,而且导致了苏联在反对民族主义的斗争中向沙俄帝国的回归 ,造成了国家认同与民族认同的分离。但是 ,这并不意味着斯大林民族定义之科学意义的丧失或过时。错误的实践既包括错误理论的指导 ,也包括对正确理论的错误理解或背离。
The construction of a multi-national socialist nation-state is Lenin's ideology for establishing states and the realization of the Soviet international union based on each nation-state is the initial design of the Soviet Union. The centralization system guided by the Stalin pattern not only gave rise to the mutual conflict between nations and states such as nations without states or unions without nations, but also caused the retreat of the Soviet Union to the Tsarist Russia in the process of fighting against nationalism, which resulted in the separation between state's identity and national identity. However, it doesn't mean that the definition of nation by Stalin has lost its scientific significance or has been out of date, since erroneous practice comes from the direction of wrong theories as well as the misunderstanding of correct theories or the deviation from them.
Journal of World Peoples Studies