
FAST:主题术语的分面式应用——以《国会图书馆主题词表(LCSH)》为基础的简单化词汇 被引量:1

FAST: (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)--A Simplified LCSH-Based Vocabulary
摘要 《国会图书馆主题词表(LCSH))》是至今为止最常用并被广为接受的通用主题词汇,实际上已成为一种国际性的控制词汇和世界各国编制主题词表的样板,但是它的复杂的关于建立标目的句法和规则却限制了它的应用,因为使用者必须受过专门训练,其对规范文档的自动化管理的效率也因此受到限制。近年来网上文献的猛增迫使书目控制系统向易懂易用方向转变,主题标目也不例外。本文介绍由OCLC、美国图书馆学会(ALA)的ALCTS/SAC委员会、美国国会图书馆(LC)共同进行的一项编制《FAST(主题术语的分面式应用)》词汇的工作。在一个句法简单的分面式的词表中采用LCSH,其目的在于保留LCSH丰富的词汇,同时使之易懂、易控制、易应用、易使用。 The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) schema is by far the most commonly used and widely accepted subject vocabulary for general application. It is the de facto universal controlled vocabulary and has been a model for developing new subject heading systems around the world. However, LCSH's complex syntax and rules for constructing headings restrict its application by requiring highly skilled personnel and limit the effectiveness of automated authority control. Recent trends, driven to a large extent by the rapid growth of the Web, are forcing changes in bibliographic control systems to make them easier to use, understand, and apply, and subject headings are no exception. This paper introduces a project of OCLC, the American Libraries Association (ALA), and the Library of Congress (LC) for producing a FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) schema. The purpose of adapting the LCSH in a faceted schema with a simplified syntax is to retain the very rich vocabulary of LCSH while making it easier to understand, control, apply, and use.
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期9-15,共7页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
关键词 《国会图书馆主题词表(LCSH)》 FAST 主题术语 分面组配 电子文献 文献编目 Subject vocabulary Faceted analysis and coordination Library of Congress Subject Headings
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  • 3Changes for Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST)Subject Headings,Proposal 202-13, May 8, 2002. (2002). [On -line]. Available: http://lcweb. loc. gov/marc/marbi/2002/2002-13. html.
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