当前公安机关端正执法思想、转变执法观念 ,实现立警为公、执法为民 ,必须做到“八破八立”。即破除唯我至上的特权思想 ,树立权力法定的法权观念 ;破除宁左勿右的左倾思想 ,树立不枉不纵的人权观念 ;破除封建传统的专制思想 ,树立现代文明的人性观念 ;破除机械执法的教条思想 ,树立服务大局的效益观念 ;破除为钱执法的商品思想 ,树立不敛钱财的清廉观念 ;破除人情羁绊的徇情思想 ,树立刚正不阿的公正观念 ;破除关卡限压的计划思想 ,树立简政放权的服务观念 ;破除小进即满的无为思想 ,树立励精图治的进取观念。
Public security organs must carry out the 'eight eradications and eight establishments in the idea of law enforcement'-get rid of the idea of power and set up the concept of power ruled by law; do away with the idea of left extreme and set up the concept of human rights; eradicate dictatorial mind and set up humanistic idea; eradicate doctrinarism mind and set up efficiency idea; rid money idea and set up honest concept; eliminate protective mind and set up just idea; set up the idea of service and self-fulfillment.
Journal of Hubei University of Police