从刑法角度审视家庭暴力 ,对预防和遏制家庭暴力意义重大。根据刑法规定 ,家庭暴力犯罪主要集中在侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪中 ,侵犯的客体是家庭关系和人身权利 ,行为对象是与施暴者有家庭关系的成员 ;犯罪主观方面是故意 ;犯罪主体为特殊主体。处理家庭暴力犯罪应注意区分非犯罪性家庭暴力与犯罪性家庭暴力、故意伤害罪和虐待罪的界限。鉴于夫妻关系的特殊性和刑法规定的抽象性 ,司法实践中处理婚内强奸案应慎重。
It is of great importance to prevent and restrain domestic violence. According to criminal law, domestic violence is mainly concerned with encroaching upon personal rights and democratic rights, and the object of offense is family relation and personal rights and the subject is the family member related to the offender who is deliberate. In handling such offense, non-criminal domestic violence and criminal one should be distinguished. Moreover, rape case in marriage should be carefully handled.
Journal of Hubei University of Police