The eclogite type rutile deposit of Xiaojiao in Jiangsu Province is the biggest and the abundantest in Sulu ultra high pressure metamorphic belt, which is related to ultra high pressure metamorphic rock-- eclogite. The ore bodies lay in rutile bearing eclogite mass, which take shaped in layer like, strip, lens. According to geochemical characteristics,it is indicated that the origin of eclogite is basic and ultra basic rocks coming from upper mantle and transitional belt of crust mantle.Four stages of rutile mineralization in the eclogites can be recognized by four ore textures,mineral paragenesis and rutile's occurrences, respectively, as inclusions, intergranular infilling, replacement remnant, and hydrothermal infilling. The analysis results of electron microprobe shows that a Na riched liquid from deep during high and ultra high pressure metamorphism probably played an important role for genesis of rutile mineralization. It is pointed out that the typical eclogite type rutile deposit was related to ultra high pressure metamorphism in genesis, similar to those occurring at Engebfjellet eclogite bodies in Norway, Shubino Village in Russia, and Pian Paludo in Italy, but differing from the other important types in China. Moreover, according to this research, ore hunting indicators for the eclogite type rutile deposit are given in this paper.
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