4Aliseda-Llera, Atocha. Seeking Explanations:Abduction in Logic, Philosophy of Science andArtificial Intelligence [D]. Ph.D. dissertation,Stanford University. ILLC Dissertation Series,1997-4.
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6Bach, Kent. The semantics-pragmatics distinction:what it is and why it matters [J/A]. LinguistischeBerichte 8, Special Issue on Pragmatics,1997,33-50.
7Also in Ken Turner. The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points ofView [C]. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 1999, 65-84.
8Fox, Richard Keith. Layered Abduction forSpeech Recognition from Articulation: ARTREC[D]. Ph.D. dissertation. The Ohio StateUniversity,1992.
9Gabbay, Dov. Abduction in labelled deductivesystems-a conceptual abstract [A]. R. Kruseand E Siegel. Symbolic and QuantitativeApproaches to Uncertainty [C]. Springer-Vedag,1991.
10Gabbay, Dov. Labelled Deductive Systems [M].Vol. 1. Oxford University Press,1994.