分析中压甲铵冷凝器的工艺流程和操作条件 ,指出设计中的不足 ,找出其结垢的非药剂因素———温度和流速 ,对一些相关改造的成败提出观点 ,并提出增设加压泵回流控温和增大上。
Through the analysis of the process flow and operating conditions of the mid pressure ammonium carbomate water cooler,the article points out the imperfection in its design,finds out the non-agent factor of scaling-temperature and flow rate,puts forward the viewpoints in relation to the success or failure of some modifications and presents two new train of thought of adding the temperature control in the reflux of booster pump and increasing the differential pressure between the water supply line and return line.
Large Scale Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry