以Y2 O3 、BaCO3 、CuO为原料 ,采用柠檬酸为螯合剂 ,用乙二胺作为PH值调节剂 ,通过Sol-Gel法制备YBCO超导原粉 ,在不同的温度下进行烧结。XRD分析表明烧结后的YBCO超微粉在不同的温度下获得不同的相 ,其中 80 0℃烧结得到的是Y - 1 2 3相 ,此烧结温度明显小于以前报道的烧结温度 (90 0 - 950℃ )。透射电镜分析结果表明粒径约为 80 - 1 0 0nm。
YBCO high temperature superconductive powder were pre pa red through sol-gel process,which Y(NO 3) 3?Cu(NO 3) 2 and barium citrate were mixed, and then ethylenediamine was used as PH value conditioning agent,th e prepared YBCO superconductive raw powder were sintered at the different temper ature.XRD analysis showed that sintered YBCO superfine powder exhibited differen t phase at the different temperature ,Y-123 phase was obtained when sintered tem perature was 800℃,which less than previous reporting sintered temperature(900-9 50℃).at the same time,TEM observed that the YBCO particle size was about 80-100 nm?
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)