针对小卫星应用领域中分布式卫星构形保持的问题,介绍了适用于分布式卫星的一种商业软件--航天器控制语言(spacecraft control langugae, SCL)的体系结构和具体应用.基于使用LQR(linear quadratic regulator)方法进行分布式卫星构形保持的问题,提出了构形保持中使用SCL将控制力模糊化实现控制的方法;通过仿真比较得出,2种方法的控制效果相当,但后者更易于在实际控制中实现;仿真验证了在模型存在误差及推进器发生故障的情况下,使用这种控制方法的可行性,为使用SCL开发嵌入式控制系统打下了基础.
The paper begins by presenting the system architecture of a COTS software——Spacecraft Control Language(SCL) about the problem of the formation keeping of distributed satellite in the domain of application of minisatellite. In view of the problem of using LQR method, it offers a new method of using SCL to achieve fuzzy control in the formation keeping of distributed satellite. By simulation, it is demonstrated that the effect of two methods are equal, but SCL is easier to implement and SCL is usable when there are model errors or thruster faults.
Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology