阿瑟·米勒的《推销员之死》在很大程度上是一部回忆剧。虽然它是一部普通的二幕剧 ,但全剧不乏作者实验创新的表现手法。作者通过过去生活场景的闪回以及主人公在精神恍惚时出现的幻觉和现实生活的相互交织 ,成功地将现实主义和表现主义表现手法融会一体 ,展现了主人公威利·洛曼悲剧的一生。
Death of a Salesman is,to a great extent,a memory play.By displaying a mixture of the flashback of the past life and the reality as well as the fantasy of the hero,this play successfully presents a unique style of realism and expressionism,through which,the author unfolds before us the tragic life of Willy Loman,the main character of the play.And at the same time the stage techniques employed in this play have influenced some contemporary Chinese playwrights.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)