《近思录》与《传习录》皆是兴起于宋明理学中的思想传记类型的著作。一为“辑略”之新体 ,一为“记言”之变型。两者的差异 ,则可以自“录”字的再解读中 ,掌握住“文”与“言”的本性而得以进行区别。二《录》都企图在“当下即逝”的时间状态中 ,分由“文”与“言”的途径以进行“当下即是”的传道活动。二者一名“近思” ,一名“传习” ,同出于《论语》 ,反映了追随孔子的理想。但其同名为“录”及其何以为“录” ,则尚可探究。
Jinsilu (Reflections on Things of Hand ) and Chuanxilu(Instructions for Practical Living ) represent two types of thought -biography that developed from Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism.The former is a new form of “excerption';the latter is a form derived from“recorded utterance .'The difference between them could be clarified by rereading the word“lu'to understand the natural characters of “composition(言)'and of “utterance'.These two “lus' both tried in face of “vanishing at the moment,'to advance doctrines of “realizing at the moment'differentially by ways of “composition'and “utterance'.That the title “ Jinsi 'and the title“ Chuanxi ”both come from The Analects ,reflects their ideal of following Confucius.But why they are both referred to as “lu'and how they can be “lu'are questions which deserve further investigations.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)