把“流言”为解读《长恨歌》的一扇“门”,通过对王安忆创作过程的疏理及对其创作理念的考察 ,发现“传奇”才是王安忆真正想表达的东西 ,是隐藏于“流言”之后的主题。“流言”与“传奇”的相承相悖是《长恨歌》贯穿始终的叙述张力 ,反映在阅读体验的层面上是作者不自主的叙述视角地变化。与张爱玲的“传奇”相比 ,王安忆遵守自已的写作理念 ,“刻意”选择一条别样的路 ,书写自己心目中“王安忆式的传奇”
Regarding 'rumor'as a 'door' which interprets 'The S ong of Hatred for Long', it has been found that 'legend' is just what Wang An -yi really want to express, by way of his creative ideas, which is the theme hid ing behind 'rumor'. The for and against between 'rumor' and 'legend' is th e narrative tensions all along throughout 'The Song of Hatred for Long',which reflects that it is the change of author′s narrative angle of view that is not independent at the levcel of reading experience. Comparing with Zhang Ai-ling′s 'legend', Wang An-yi observes his own writing theory and chooses painstakingl y a particular way of writing to write about what is in his own mind the 'legen d of Wang An-yi′s style
Journal of Jining Teachers College