森林分类经营是当前林业界的热点问题之一 ,国家林业局已将其作为总体推进林业发展的龙头工作和全面推进林业政策的“牛鼻子”工程 ,但在实施森林分类经营中还存在着一些问题。诸如 :林业观念问题、两类林的划分问题、公益林生态效益补偿机制等问题 ,本文就以上这些问题予以初步探讨。
The classfication and management of forest is a hot spot in forest industry now. It have been regarded as the important task which could all-sided propel the policy on forest industry by the national forest service, but there are some problems when carrying out it,such as the idea about forest industry, how to district a couple of forest, a compensation mechanism of ecologic benefit of commonweal forest, and so on. The above problems have been preliminarily questioned in the test.
Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology