目的 :观察复方华蟾胶囊的急性和慢性毒性作用。方法 :在 2 4 h内给小鼠灌胃投服复方华蟾胶囊 3次 ,观察其急性毒性反应。给大白鼠灌胃投服华蟾胶囊连续 1 2周 ,观察其长期毒性反应。结果 :小鼠口服的最大耐受量 (MTD)为 1 2 6 .7g总药材/ kg体重。大白鼠灌服复方华蟾胶囊后 ,其体重增长、血常规以及血液生化各项指标均在正常范围内 ,病理学组织检查未见异常。结论 :复方华蟾胶囊按拟定方案、剂量。
Objective:To observe the toxic effects of Compound Capsules of Huachan.Methods:For observing acute toxicity, mice were administered with 3 doses/day of the capsules by ig. For observing chronic toxicity, the rats were administered the capsules once a day for 12 weeks.Result:The maximum tolerated dose of the capsules in mice was 126 7 g/kg. In the experiment of chronic toxicity, after taking the capsules for 12 weeks, the indexes of body weight growth, blood routine tests and blood chemical analysis were in normal ranges. The abnormal sign had not been found in pathological examination.Conclusion:The experimental results indicate that the designed therapeutic scheme, administration route and dose are safe.
Journal of Guangxi Medical University
广西科技攻关项目基金资助 (桂科攻 992 0 0 17)