在7月下旬至8月下旬分别用不同浓度的ABA、BR与S3307 对苹果果实进行喷施处理 ,以便筛选出促进果皮着色及增进果实品质的最佳药剂浓度。试验结果表明 :ABA与S3307 处理对果皮花青苷含量、果肉可溶性糖含量及单果重均有较好的促进作用 ,BR对果肉可溶性糖含量有明显促进作用。但各种浓度药剂处理对花青苷含量、可溶性糖含量及单果重影响效果不同 ,药剂对两个苹果品种的作用亦有差异。最终筛选出低浓度ABA、高浓度BR及高浓度S3307 为最佳药剂处理浓度。
Different concentration treatments of ABA,BR and S 3307 spraying on apple fruits were carried out from the end of July to the end of August,in order to select the best concentrations of treatments that promoted color formation of skin and enhanced quality for apple.The results showed that treatments of ABA and S 3307 had significantly promoted the content of anthocyanin of skin,the conˉtent of soluble carbohydrate of flesh and weight of individual apple fruit.The treatment of BR had promoted the content of soluble carbohydrate of flesh.But the effects of different concentration treatments on apple varied,and treatments affected differently the two cultivars.The experement selected the low concentration of ABA,high concentration of BR and S 3307 as the best concentration of treatment.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University