本文通过对功耗分析的研究 ,分析了三种防止差分功耗分析攻击的理论方法 ,其中着重探讨了功耗随机化技术。以此为基础 ,把 MASK技术应用到标准 DES算法中 ,设计了一种防止功耗攻击的安全 DES加密算法 ,无论软件还是硬件实现该改进加密算法 ,均可有效改变其功耗特征。最后使用 Candence公司的 Verilog- Xl仿真器验证了功耗随机化的引入对 DES加密运算没有影响。综合结果表明 ,基于 0 .2 5μm slow单元库工艺下 ,DES_ PA模块的综合规模为 1 85 9个单元 ,最大延时为 9.69ns,可工作于 1 0 0 MHz左右的频率下 ,各项性能指标均能满足智能卡和信息安全系统的要求 ,对于工业领域具有实际的应用价值。
In this article, three theoretic methods are analyzed for protecting power analysis(PA),in which,the power randomization technology is the key,and the DES encrypt-algorithm is build by introducing MASK algorithm into it.And this kind of advanced DES _PA algorithm can increases the difficulty of PA attacks effetely,no matter software implementation or hardware implementation.At end, the correctness of DES _PA algorithm is validated using the Verilog-XL simulator from the Candence Company. With 0.25μm slow CMOS technology library,the result showed that the cell count of DES _PA module is about 1859,the maximize delay is 9.69 ns, and can be worked correctly under 100MHz,so that it is well suited to the field of smart card and the information security, and which would be meaningful for the field of industry.