快速模具制造技术有广阔的应用前景 ,可以用于新产品开发和小批量生产 ,降低生产成本 ,提高生产率 ,实现批量订制 .本文介绍了典型的快速模具制造技术及工艺 ,其中包括 :直接制造模具的SLS工艺、3D- P工艺、SDM工艺和 DMLS工艺 ,间接制造模具的硅橡胶模工艺、Quick Cast工艺、喷射粘结成形工艺、Keltool工艺、金属冷喷模工艺和电铸工艺 .随着快速模具制造技术的完善 ,快速模具的质量将不断提高 .
The Rapid Tooling Technology is of a wide application foreground. It can be applicable in developing new products, in making wide varieties of elements with small batch, in reducing production cost, in enhancing productivity as well as in realizing Mass Customization. The Rapid Tooling Technology and its process have been introduced, including direct tooling, such as, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Three-dimensional Printing (3D-P), Direct-Metal Laser-Sintering (DMLS) and Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM), and indirect tooling, such as vulcanized rubber soft tooling, QuickCast, Keltool, Spray-Printing Casting, metal deposition, electroforming etc. Along with the improvement of the Rapid Tooling Technology, the quality of Rapid Tooling will be promoted continually.
Journal of Jiamusi University:Natural Science Edition
浙江省自然科学基金项目 (项目编号 :5 0 2 14 0 )
宁波市青年博士基金项目 (项目编号 :2 0 0 3 A62 0 2 1)