根据《茶叶科学》编辑部的办刊实践 ,认为一个现代化的学术期刊编辑部 ,其功能可以扩大到稿件的计算机处理、期刊网站建立与管理、专题资料数据库积累与运用、期刊光盘版和网络版的制作 (或出版 )等。简介无地域限制的组稿和审稿、无纸化的稿件修订和编辑。
Based on the practice of the editorial office of Journal of Tea Science , the author considers that the functions of the editorial offices of academic journals could be enlarged as manuscript treatment, construction and management of website, development and utilization of subject literature database, compiling and publishing of the web version and CD version of the journals etc. Following aspects are also discussed in the paper: soliciting contributions and finding peer reviewers from all over the world, reviewing and editing manuscripts on the computer, journal publishing and management of daily affairs using web technology and automatic technology etc.
Acta Editologica