The lamellar bonding between flattened particles in a thermally sprayed coating determinesgreatly the coating properties. A simple and reliable method to evaluate the lamellar bonding will be ofsignificantly practical interest however, it is much difficult to give a satis factory result by conventionalmethods such as tensile test. It is expected that a method of debonding mechanism of 1ayer by layer beeffective. It has been proved that by controlling test conditions the particle erosive test is effective to causematerial removal by the debonding mechanism.The present report proposes a model for the particle erosion of ceramic coating. Based on the lamellardebonding layer by layer by particle impace, the relationship between erosion rate and the mean bonding ratiois established. Correlation between characteristic value which is referred to as the ACT-JP value (reciprocalof erosive rate ) and the mean bonding ratio for Al2O3 coating proves experimentally domonant effect oflamellar bonding on the erosion of ceramic coating and the feasibility to evaluate the lamellar bonding uingerosive test.