矿山震动是由于开采活动使得上覆岩层运动造成的 ,因此 ,可以根据岩层的运动变形分析预计矿山震动的大小及其分布。岩体的变形能是由垂直应变和形变组成的 ,而矿震能量释放的大小可由岩体运动的变形能来计算。现场观测的实际矿震能量分布与预计的结果非常吻合 。
The level of recorded seismic activity induced by the ongoing mining works may be dependent on deformation processes taking place in rockmass, since the deformations of rockmass are dependent on the parameters of the carried out mining. The energy of the deformed rock will be dependent on the squared octahedral strain and will be calculated by vertical strain (εz) and tilt components (Tx, Ty). High agreement of results involving the observed and predicted values provides grounds for the application of ahead-of-time predictions of the distribution of energy release as well as the number of tremors for subsequent mining processes planned in the investigated mining area.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control